Pursuant to the authority of Article IV of the Collective Bargaining Agreement, the following procedural rules will govern referrals within the jurisdiction of Local Union 601, I.B.E.W. 

Please call ahead for the Streator satellite office. 
To sign the out of work lists, requires you to sign in person OR
 a fax/email from your home local.

Re-signs are monthly the 10th----16th including your original sign month. When re-signing make sure you get the CONFIRMATION EMAIL
To re-sign please log-in to our website and use re-sign option. We will also accept an email or fax re-sign from your home local.

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- You can call the job line after 5:00 pm daily. The job line number is (217) 239-0012.

- Jobs available on the recorder will be placed on the Website daily.
- The job line will be turned off each business day from 7:00am until 5:00pm. (Calling the hall after 7:00am or before 5:00pm to bid on a job will not be valid).
- A brief description of the nature of the call(s) will be provided stating the name of the employer(s), the start date, #of positions available, and anticipated job duration (if available).
- If you are currently on the out of work list and interested in any of the jobs on the recorder, applicants will be asked to clearly state your name, card #, and telephone number where you can be reached.
- In the event that there are more than one jobs available, and you would be interested in any one of them, state the jobs in the order preference.
- If there are no requests for manpower that day, a message stating “There are no requests today” will be on the recorder by 5:00pm.
- An applicant who comes to the hall in person and registers on the out of work list prior to the morning calls being filled, will be referred according to their proper group and position.
- All bidders will be ranked according to their respected position on the out of work list, and called accordingly at the phone number listed.
- The bidder(s) with the lowest book position will be contacted between the hours of 8:00am and 11:00am for the issuance of a referral slip.
- If you do not receive a call by 11:00am, you can assume your book position was not high enough to be awarded the call.
- If you bid on a job and do not answer the phone, or decide to turn down the job, you will be removed from the out of work list and must re-register in person.
- After jobs are dispatched for the day, if the job call was filled by a registrant past #10 on the Long call out of work list, then #1 through #10 will receive a turndown. (The only strikes will be given to members who are in positions #1 through #10 when a call gets filled past their position).
- Registrants will be allowed (2) turndowns without penalty. On the 3rd turndown you will be placed on the bottom of the out of work list.
- A separate short call book shall be used for temporary calls of 14 calendar days or less.
- A short call cannot become a long call. If referred off the short call list, you are restricted to one call of 14 calendar days or less.
- Upon completion of a short call, the applicant must resign in person at the bottom of the short call book.
- While on a short call, you may not bid on any long calls, unless the start date of the long call is after the completion date of the short call.
- If you accept a short call, and then later decide to turn the job down, quit the job, or get terminated for a justifiable cause (something other than reduction of force), you must come into the office in person and sign the bottom of the long call and short call books.
- Accepting a short call will not clear a strike by your name on the long call book.
- There will be no ding system for the short call book. If a short call gets filled past #10 on the short call out of work list, then #1 through #10 will get rolled to the bottom of the short call book.
- Employers requests must be placed by 4:00pm in order to be posted that day. Any request placed after 4:00pm will not be posted until the following business day.
- Job lines are reserved for members who are on the out of work list. Members who are working should not utilize the lines, keeping them free and available for those seeking employment.
- Regardless of quantity of calls, respected applicants shall receive only (1) strike per day.
- The Business Manager is responsible for filling calls in a timely manner. This means that in an emergency, a referral may be made outside normal hours using whatever means available to fill a call.
- For more information regarding Local 601’s referral rules, refer to the applicable collective bargaining agreement.